Silver Streaker Blanket

April 22, 2014

Hey All!

Hope everyone is well.

Here’s a blanket I made for my parents for last year’s holiday. I haven’t had the opportunity to photograph it, so my sister, Michelle, did it for me. Yay! Thanks Michelle for the great photos.

The yarn used is called Silver Streaker from La Lana Wools (RIP). I usually don’t like working with ‘thick and thin’ yarns; however, it worked great for this blanket. Another great aspect is that all the yarn was hand dyed and so there were different tones throughout each skein. Just by picking a darker skein or a lighter skein I was able to mix up the tones within the piece, creating a dynamic look without any awkwardness.

The Silver Streaker yarn is completely wool, so in order to keep the blanket from being too warm I mixed up a solid stitch pattern with a lace stitch that required the same number of base stitches. I think it worked great. Now, my parents can hang out in NYC on a winter night and be cozy, but not overheat.

Yay Crochet!

Be well,


New Year, New Rug

January 16, 2014

Hey All,

It’s 2014. Crazy.

I have a new rug to show off! I made this during the fall, but because it was a gift for my parents I couldn’t blog about it until now.

It was made on my Mirrix Loom with the lovely rug yarn provided by Weaving Southwest.

Hope you enjoy it as much as my family did. I wish I had a great name for it, but for now it’s called The Sinking Square. Kinda square.

Anyway, I’ve got some other projects that need to be photographed, so check back soon!

Be Well,


rug on floorrug in hallwaybench and rug


October 26, 2013

Hey all,

Mmmm… Pumpkin Pie. Scarf, munch munch munch, humm-myumm-mum.

Enjoy the best season of every year!


A Rug For Me!

October 11, 2013

Hey All,

I finally made a rug for myself!

Last winter I got a Navajo style loom (by mirrix) and I needed to practice so I thought it perfect timing to make myself the rug I wanted. Of course, I used colors that I love.

Because I was learning I decided to keep it simple, which was a total mistake. This rug took so long to make because I got bored a quarter way through, then half and so on… But, I finally finished and it came out alright. The edges are a little off, but who’s looking?

This rug now has a home by my bed. When I wake up in the morning it warms my feet and before I go to bed I like to rub my feet like a cat and get some static going.




Forever Random Goodies!

October 1, 2013

Hey All!

What’s up, what’s up?

I haven’t written in a loooooonnnnng time. Sorry! Life has been very busy and my camera broke, but I have kept up with my fiber art, so don’t worry your little heads.

Anyway, here we go – I have a nice stash of a yarn called “Forever Random” created by LaLana Wools that I have been hording. But, my yarn stash is overwhelming and I had to use some up. I decided that my journal needed a cover because the last one got seriously beat up. Also, my glasses case is missing a side and they kept falling out, so I made an extra case for that, too.

The yarn is hand dyed with plants. The button on the journal is antler and the button on the glasses case is a coin.

Check it out and enjoy!



Pinecone Throw

April 10, 2013

Hey All!

Hope everyone is well.

I’m back with a giant project.

This winter I decided to try my hand at a large scale crochet project rather than keep doing small items. I had the time and I had the yarn, so why not? Searching through my books I came across a pattern for a granny square called ‘pineapple’. To me, it looked more like a pinecone. So, I made sixteen squares and attached them together!

The yarn used is all La Lana Wools called Dos Mujeres. All the colors, except the black are hand dyed using plants. Plant dyed yarns have the luxury of all looking good next to each other. This is fortunate, because I had the last of the Dos Mujeres left from La Lana. I used the colors I had available and watched four seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to help myself from going insane.

I want to take this moment to spill my proverbial forty in respect to Luisa Gelenter. May she rest in peace. I had the wonderful opportunity to work for, get to know and be a part of Luisa’s life before she died this past December. She is a wonderful inspiration to me. The colors she obtained and the combinations of colors she utilized in her yarns never cease to amaze. She is nothing short of magical and will be remembered with love. In a way, this blanket is in honor of her and what she accomplished with plant dyes.

Currently, the blanket is at Tierra Wools. If you’re interested let me know. The blanket doesn’t fit my personal decor esthetic but I would love, love, love if someone I knew where to own it.

Be well and Enjoy!

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Ocean View

February 27, 2013

Hey All,

How’s things?

It’s starting to warm up in Taos and I’m really excited for spring.

Today, I have a weaving to show off. It took a really long time to make with the schedule I had last fall. I started it in August and took it off the loom in November. After a bit of a break, I did the finishing work and here it is.

It’s called Ocean View and I’ll be putting it in the Tierra Wools gallery. All the yarns are from Weaving Southwest.

Originally, it was going to be larger and have upside down mountains at the top of the piece. Unfortunately, there were time constraints and I also decided to deviate from my original sketch.

This piece was a bit of test for me. I wanted to learn how to create curves and then test myself over and over. Also, I learned how to outline. The curves are obvious, but the outlining technique can be seen in the mountains at the bottom of the weaving. It is a very time consuming process, but ultimately worth it.

My inspiration was to make a landscape because there are so many landscape pieces out there. I wanted to add my own voice to the trend. It’s as if the landscape of the mountains are being ripped apart by a large vortex or they are about to washed away by a giant wave. I love destruction!

Enjoy and be well!

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Equinox Vest

February 8, 2013

Hello Everybody,

Here we are, again, with some awesome fiber wear that I made. I happen to be in the pictures, too!

I made this vest last fall in honor of the wool festival in Taos. It was a great project and was a lot of fun to produce. The front panels are my design and the back is a latvian leaf pattern with some free form crochet to finish it off.

The yarn is a nice worsted weight that was hand-dyed by Weaving Southwest.

Enjoy and Be Well!

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Orpheus Cowl

January 20, 2013

Hello All,

I’m back in the new year with some goodies. Let’s start the year off with a cowl! It’s called the Orpheus Cowl. I suggest it is worn with confidence, because if you look back who knows what will happen. That’s my suggestion for they new year: No Regrets!

Enjoy these photos provided by Sarah Stuve and PJ Linden. They’re awesome supporters of mine and I love to support them. Check out their business at

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Thanks and Be Well!


Beacon Scarf

December 21, 2012

Hey All,

It’s a me, Alex!

I made this crazy, awesome scarf out of some of my favorite yarn. The yarn is spun by a buddhist monk in a nearby town called Arroyo Seco. If you like the yarn you can spin some of your own, it’s called Widdershin.

I contemplated the design for awhile. At one point it was going to be a scarf/hoodie and then a scarf and glove combo. But, I felt that it needed to be a giant scarf, instead. It can wrap around my face three times and still hang down to my knees!

Hope you enjoy.

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Be well and happy holidays!
